Proposed Declarations and Bylaws

New Declarations and Bylaws for Review

Homeowners of Signature of Sharon,

As many of you know, we have been working to update the Declarations and Bylaws of our community to more accurately reflect the expectations of our residents based on the survey results gathered last year. A new draft of our Declarations and Bylaws can be found on our community website at Proposed Declarations and Bylaws | Signature of Sharon for your review. Since every homeowner needs to vote on whether to adopt the new Declarations, we encourage each of you to review the documents and provide the Board with any feedback, questions, comments and/or concerns you have. We encourage everyone to work towards adopting the new Declarations for, if we cannot agree on a new set of Declarations, we will be forced to continue enforcing our current Declarations (which can be found on our community website).

The process for making modifications to and adopting a new set of Declarations will be as follows:

  1. New draft of our Declarations and Bylaws are made available to our residents. These drafts can be found on our community website
  2. The Board will review the feedback from our community to determine if any further changes need to be made to the draft Declarations and/or Bylaws. If any changes are required, new versions of the documents will be made available to the residents for their review and the process will repeat.
  3. Once a final draft of the documents is reached, the Board will schedule a meeting with all of the homeowners to vote on acceptance of the new Declarations and Bylaws.
  4. The homeowners will vote (in person, by video teleconference, by proxy or by mail) on whether to adopt the new Declarations and Bylaws.
  5. If the vote fails (fewer than 60% of the voters approve), the appropriate action will be taken based on the outcome of the vote and community feedback:
    a. If the objections to the current draft(s) of the documents warrant further modification of the Declarations, the appropriate changes will be made and the process will repeat.
    b. If the objections to the current draft(s) warrant abandonment of updating the Declarations, enforcement of the current Declarations continues.
  6. If the vote succeeds (60% or more of the voters approve):
    a. A notarized signature of each homeowner voting in favor of the new Declarations and Bylaws will be obtained by the Board (either in place at the meeting, by having Board members go door-to-door or by having a resident submit a notarized signed copy) to officially adopt the new Declarations.
    b. The new Declarations and Bylaws will be registered with the County.
    c. Drafts of the Declarations and Bylaws will be provided to each resident.
    d. Enforcement of the new Declarations would commence.

Please send any questions, comments or concerns you may have regarding the process or documents to [email protected]. We look forward to working with everyone to adopt a new set of Declarations that are more beneficial to our residents.

The Board of Signature of Sharon

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